Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Manifestation II - The Shadow in the Shower

This was the second one I ever discovered. I managed to figure out the conditions with help from a fellow enthusiast (well, he is now anyway, back then he was just a bored IT consultant).

A special warning, while I have deemed this one not dangerous, it can seriously effect your willingness to use your shower.

1. Fiberglass base (a modern bath tub usually will work)
2. Plastic sheet that touches a part of the base and is at least 5'6" tall and 36" wide (consequently a shower curtain does the trick)

1. Apply 4oz 1:1 mixture of water and vinegar onto the plastic first, then the base soon after.

The easiest way I found is to use a small glass and toss the solution on the plastic, making sure it drips down and contacts the fiberglass soon after. The Manifestation can take up to a minute to appear.

The tone on the video is a peculiarity with the capturing of this one. In person, the sound is akin to soft whispering. Another odd detail is that the Shadow only appears if the plastic covers it from all active vantage points (including video cameras) making this the first I've discovered that changes through observation. I have yet to come up with a satisfactory explanation for this anomaly.

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